Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Moon Child

Head spinning,
running around
my being. 

Out of focus.
The moon
my deepest secrets. 

''Come up, come up,''
she says,
enticing me 
her bosom. 

all that pains you,

Let the rain,
let the thunder,
let the lightning,
all of you, 
all you cry about,
all that makes you want to die. 

''Soon, child,''
she says. 

Feel my stillness,
feel my light,
feel my love 

for you.

you are my only. 

My heart beats only for you. 
Even if it breaks
every night
in my dreams. 

Monday, 28 January 2013

Almost Precious

What makes your world go around?

You can love
you can laugh.

When push comes to shove,
what really makes your world
go around?

Name your precious, like a snowflake that is unique, but melts and falls in love with itself all over again. 

Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Tree of Life

Just know that when she held your hand,
she gave you all
she ever had. 

in this moment,
You are the One. 

It all matters,
what you do now. 

Are you willing?
Are you able? 
Are you present for your gift?

She is waiting with her wings.
And yours...

And Trust is all it ever takes to fly. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Understand Life

The music played. 

Took a step back in time. 

''Do the waltz with me'', he said. 
 She touched his hand. 

And fell,

into the void,
into a world,
beyond what
can conceive of.

The rain fell
the hearts of all.

The little seed
to grow. 

Touch deep inside. 

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Will you?

Standing on the cliff,
are you ready to fall?

When it's your chance to fall for yourself,
will you do it?

Will you fall in love with yourself?