Saturday, 13 July 2013

Hand-Me-Down World.

We Do Not Inherit the Earth from Our Ancestors; We Borrow It from Our Children

When she asks you,
                             ''Why did you give me a Hand-Me-Down world?''
What will you say?
                              That you had no control,
                               that you were powerless,
                               that it was ''Them'' who made you do it.

When he asks you,
                               ''Why did you give me a Hand-Me-Down world?
What will you say?
                                That you loved your Jeep so much,
                                 that you didn't know how to keep the waters of the earth clean,
                                 that you couldn't live without your laptop.

What will you do,
                              when they feel the sadness and the anger,
of having to live in a world
                               that is falling apart around them?

Our ice is melting,
                               and we just continue on,
as if nothing is happening.

Is that really the gift we wish to leave our children,
                    the example we wish to be for them?

When the little girl and the little boy ask you,
                                                                  ''Why did you give me a Hand-Me-Down world?
What will you say?
                                                                    What will you do? Now?


  1. I love this Susan. What a very unique style and presentation. Your becoming an amazingly talented poet :) and I love how you wrote this about Mother Nature.

    1. Why thank you! Something different for me today, just came out that way. :)

      I love Mother Earth, and had just been watching a show on the ice caps melting. This came a few days later.

      Thanks for your comments. :)

  2. A Jungian synchronicity, Susan. I' m working on a blog post about ecopoetry...

    1. Very interesting, Julia. :) I love that idea-ecopoetry. Has a lovely ring to it. Would love to share it a link to it here too if you would like that.
      Thanks for your thoughts. :)

    2. Thanks, Susan. That would be awesome, of course. I will let you know when I publish it. I don't know when I will publish it because I am working on other blog posts and I 'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I will let you know. Thanks so much.

  3. Make love to the world inside and around you...Feel it in and grateful... thanks Susan <3

  4. Thank you Beata. :) I love the way you phrased that. Very beautiful!
